#4 Conversation with Trevor2 ; Difficulties and Respect

Conversation with Trevor 2; All we have difficulties. Do you have any other concern? Second concern Concerns? Yeah. Uh, hmm. I concern social concerns. I was responsible respectful person. Respon... Sorry? I was responsible respectful person before I got sick. And I got very sick and lost my sight. Before that I was *19[ ] respectful person and nice family and lot's of friends. And afterwards, not treated as respectful person. Because they could see therefore I was not to recovered responsible when I was treated that way. So this *20[ ] that people just because they have challenging *21[ ] speaks considered differed, we are not treated responsibly clearly and I think that's *s5[ ] connected themselves in that way. Might be some people are *22[ ] because they are different skin color, different language or different religion. For me it's physical handicapped and the first under communication not to, not this communication small. I don't think it's , um, hard to explain but. I know that's happened. I don't know. Yeah. It's a small or big. But, for example I'm not tall. For example I don't have lot's of money. But people have different things, right? And, to be honest I'm working at a cafe. And you are our customers. Because you are my friend to me, so I wanna help as much as I can. Right? It's just same as other guys too. Oh, sure. Not a lot of people like that. Oh, yeah? Oh, yeah. Hmm. That's, but yeah, I know that feeling. You know, in that cafe, I get so many calls because people want to know which books do we have or like ah... You can read that. You have to say " Hi, come and see for yourself." Invite them and come have a look books we have." That's all you have to do. That's true. Sometimes I don't understand. And then people just get angry because I don't speak... Yeah, I don't sure they get angry. They say like... One day i got a call. He was saying saomething to me but I didn' understand it. And I asked him " Sorry I couldn't understand it." and he said like " Oh, I don't think I can talk with you properly." and " Bye". Right? But I could understand what he said about that. He said he couldn't understand. I don't think I can talk with you properly. But I could understand what he said. But then, that's okay. He didn't understand then, It's his position to co-acted to the other. And if he wants to know what's in the bookstore and what coffee or what snacks we had so on. He couldn't get information on the telephone, he can walk in and ask, and could see someone else to get information. So he has an alternative way up getting to information simply going to the cafe and getting information that way. It's you due on your job's responsibility as the someone working in the store that's the co-acting things to do. PHS'S the contact from. He has to manage the plan. It's not responsible to behave that kind of. It's not responsible for it. I don't wanna bother you cause people complaint about all the time. I complaint about all the time for purpose to get people thinking without complaining to maybe difficult language people. But I was kind of happy to understand what he ... It's nice to how people if their difficult when you time have. Then that' therapy. That's very difficult they have to become their own difficulty to behave that way. There is so many difficulties, right? And I told you that my friend works for the restaurant, the Pink? Yeah! Her name is Manessa. And early this summer she went to work in Japan. She could spend a year in japan, stay with a family there and work in Japan and learning Japanese culture. I think that was neat and Manessa to go to japan to spend a year there where new. For example something similar come here to learn about our cultures. She do the same things. I think all you need to learn is nice to talk about when she came back, like talk about meeting *23[ ] which her experience with her. That's great. I learned English and staying here. I was in New Zealand too. They *24[ ] New Zealand, don't they? Ber...? New Zealand that where you were? Yes. They very beautiful scenery. Oh, yeah! Yes, yes. They have. I was staying with lot's of different countries people. And same because I learned more like how to be open mind more than just English. Now I could be more acceptable to, you know, like different situation or like a hard situation. For me I wish I was better at communicating. I wish my Spanish was better. And I wish my French was better. And I was a little bit but not as I have to response them. I wish I could do that. Because no many people don't French and Spanish and I don't speak as well as I'd like. And I don't use as much. Because of that, *24[ ] does over it *25[ ] not speak well, just speak anyway. And *s5[ ]. I like to. Because I wanna open my cafe, what point would you like at our cafe. You know what I mean? How would like our cafe? I like, uh, it every nice in, uh, have some interesting people there. I think that stuff and the owners are very nice. And it very welcome to the customers. I like because it's not part of big chain coffee shops. There are millions Starbucks. There are million Tim Hortons. There are million Dankan Doughnut. Everything. They're all coffee shops. I think it's very nice because it's just one store. And people are very nice and they come there in their co-respectable and general. *26[ ] are friendly and comfortable attitude. I agree with that. I'm also working at a more big company's cafe. They are also nice people over there. But like... But where? Where did you say? Did you mention Tim Horton? Oh, Tim Horton? Yes, they are also nice people too. Oh yeah? Do you know Tim Horton was a very in Hockey player? Oh, yeah! Did you? Yeah, now I knew it. I saw him play when I was younger. Oh right. How was he? He was a defense *27[ ]. He was strong as rocks and big guy, he went *28[ ] fighten and he would break up people's fights. He was a good guy. I didn't know that. They are selling Hockey cards. They are like a campaign? When we are young, they were chewing bubble gum. They got Hockey cards in them. But they are only 6 teams. Now they are 30. So 6 teams all the kids got to know all hockey players and we were change or create cards or thing like that. And be a interesting, great adventure in top all hockey that way. It was a long time ago and Tim Hortons brings it back. That's great. Young people involved and different players and different teams so on. It's very different because it's so many.but you know it's good way to get, better reform more people interest in hockey. I'm sorry but I've lost my way but. Yeah. At a local cafe people need to,,, not need to but like uh,,, It's more important to communicate with customers, you know?, to make communication? Some connection. They are so chained them and very close to. Yeah. We can be more flexible to each customers. That's nice aspect of small cafe for me. Yeah, that's good. I wanna make a community in my cafe. Okay. Good! Do you have any idea to make a community? Community? Community cafe? Yes. For your own cafe? Or what kind of cafe would you like to go, to make friends? I think it's just for me good service what people are comfortable and friendly, welcome you. And their service are very good and makes you feel comfortable. And when you are comfortable and you are enjoy your get in, you wanna come back. If it's busy and crowd it , noisy and people in a rush and people are in a hurry and it's just do you have to do and get up in there. And when it's comfortable and friendly, they are staying and come back again and again and again. Okay. I'll remember that. Hopefully when I will open, If I can start it to sell my beans, the beans I have contract, to Canada, I will come back. And meet you up again. So do you know roasting bean or something? Ah, not yet. Not yet? [Laugh] I need to know. I was in Oregan where there are a lot of coffee shops and they are community detail about it how they roast beans. They are from what they wash and unwash beans and pour and roasting process. And it's really interesting. Oregan? Oregan. It's just south [ ]. Okay. South? South. It's in the United States. South of Seatle. It's more [ ] from kilometers. South of Seatle. I can go there. It's very close. Thank you. That's good to know. So you can come back and actually take a ferry to Seatle and you can take a train to portmen. That's there was. There are very good coffee in Seatle too. But Portment is a very big city and very busy. Portment is smaller than here. While I'm staying in Victoria. I should go. All I need to do is that taking a one day off, I think. Maybe two days. Oh, that's a long way to get there. So it's a day to get there and spend a few days there. so you should take a long time. For example, I was there for three days. for me it took a day to get there and a day to get home. So It was 5 days but a day to travel and a day to travel home and three days there. Oh, Actually I was recording this. That's okay. That's what I thought. So thank you very much for having me and taking my questions, interviews. Sure. for the closing "Journalism is about communication." From his lessen I learned how important communication is for Journalism and a society. For Journalism you have to communicate with others to get information, present things and discuss them. You have to listen, speak and judge responsibly, clearly, fairly, respectful and honesty. Don't try to take eyes. It's not gonna be truth. Present information so the people can decide. Same theory can apply to a daily discussing. When you have a conversation with your friends or anyone, you should listen respectively and speak clearly and fairly. It's okay to have different opinions and ideas. It even should be shared. But you or your partner get angry or upset, just give them time to think. They might not be prepared and ready for its opinion. In another thing, he concerns that young people don't go to vote. If you don't vote, you won't have right to complain because you didn't do anything. If you don't complain, no one knows that you are complaining. If you don't complain, things won't be better. Why don't we talk about more politics and think our life and society in your country. You have to be freedom of choice. "Not a lot of people like that." He was responsible respectful person before he got sick and lost his sight. They didn't treat him in the same way as before. Why? It doesn't mater that people have different. Every one has its own difficulties. Every one is different. If you don't know how people feel, let's put your self in their position and think. Just like you don't know how exactly others feel, people don't know how exactly you feel. It's okay. The key is to be kind to others and think them while understanding it and each different. We live in the same society helping each other. Before finishing this episode, I want to confess that I'm not a good guy. So honestly I hate to say something good like this. haha Although I'm not a good guy, I wanna be cool. And I think every body wanna be cool. I think people who care others are cool. Here is my favorite word said by one of my friends. " Stay cool". Thank you for listening this episode. As you can see this is crazy. Normally people don't make episode which you don't understand completely but I do. I'm sorry, Trevor. Because I took long time to carry this out, I forgot some of them and it was hard to catch the words from recording. Even though, I'm pretty sure that this episode is valuable to share with lot's of people and listen. Now I'm in Japan before starting my next travel to Asia. The plan to travel around the world has changed because I felt like to do something good for myself and someone, not only for myself. So I'm going to get a fair trade contract of coffee with a local farmer. Anyway. Until my English got so much more better, my audiences might have to help me about it. haha In order to share more good ideas with you, please help me out by answering to my quiz!! Thank you, Trevor. How are you? I hope you doing well. Hello my friends in Canada, how have you been? Always take care, Be with your lovely people and make your world funny. Thank you listeners. I really appreciate it. Please feel free to send a message to me. I wanna feel that this episode could deliver to you!! Okay, then, see you next time!

Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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