#4 Conversation with Trevor ; Communication and Complaining

Hello, guys. This is Gottsu. I took so long time to complete this episode since I made last one. Actually so much things that I wanted to do in Canada was going on. And because of that, I couldn't take time to make this episode. But proudly this episode could be a good one to get one different perspective by taking so long time, I think. As you keep listening this, you will see why I asked him an interview and who Trevor is. You are gonna hear Hastings ricking my hand, breathing and me attacked by Hastings. It might be difficult to catch the conversation. But this conversation under natural situation is very important this time. Even though I didn't know he was a journalist, he was generous and a good listener and that's why I asked him to take my interview about his complaining. As I expected, he gave us a good lesson and an important perspective. It turned out very good opportunity to think about human society. I felt a bit sorry for making him speaking his feeling. He sounded like hesitating. But thanks to him, this episode became a great chance to change. I really appreciate it. This is exactly what I want to do by Journalism, telling people's emotion and giving audience new perspectives. He also gave us his concern about politics. The same situation is going on in Japan, but I think Japan has more serious situation. Don't lose hope to have right and power to speak up. We are the one to change. Because I don't have enough English skill to understand all conversation so far, I couldn't catch some words or sentences in the episode so I decided to make quiz for you. This might be rude to audience in general but it's always okay to have fun, right? I need to broadcast his voice now and your help to do so. Please answer them in a comment section. If you could help me this, other audience can understand the conversation more. I divided our conversation into 2 sections. The first one is about him and politics. And the second one is about the social concern. I think we all should listen to him and think about it. This episode is about what we can think and should think in a daily life. Every one has their own difficulty. Please think others as your friend and be kind. Here comes the first section of the conversatoin. Conversation with Trevor1; About Communication and Politics So I was making a lot more money as a printing pressman for the newspaper and it ever make me as a journalist. Okay. So I just took a printing partnership and a *¹knocked about a school. I guess about 5 or 6 years ago, I studied some journalism at the university in Victoria. But it didn't keep up well because my computer is going *²[ ]. And my sign was all gone and I couldn't keep up it's term with classes. But I pick up some information and I'm *³[ ] and I understanded it. And also my ex-wife was involved in politics. She was, you know, a minister has its a assistance. She was a minister's aid. She was right in the, she worked in the right legislature. Like a support, uh... She was support work up for the minister and our prevential government. That's a wonderful job. Well, that's a hard job. I bet. Let's back on. So I think it's a pretty good. It's not gonna that area. So I think it's great to create ideas to share information with others. Thank you. Are you going to just do it through the coffee shop? So I learned English for two years and then feels like it's time to open the cafe by myself and then you know making, living on my job. Okay. Are you gonna stay here? Oh, I'm going back to Japan. When is that? Ah, 9th Dec. Oh, Okay. Are you coming back after though? I hope so. After going back to Japan, I'm planning to travel around Asia to get a fare trade coffee contract. Okay. So that, you know, like hopefully I can help, support local farmers each other. And hopefully I want to sell those beans to James Bay coffee. Right. So that I can come back like that. Yeah, that's the kind of idea, situation. So far just to get a coffee contract and to open my cafe. Oh, great. And then let's see what's happen. Depends on situation, I want to learn Journalism properly. I think it's not good to learn by myself. It's kind of hard. Oh, yeah. You have to communicate. Journalism is about communication. Hmm,hm. Yeah. You have to communicate with others. Present things honesty, responsibility and clearly. Not try to take eyes. Isn't that the truth. Yeah. It's true, Present information so they can decide. Um, uh...I want you to listen some of my episodes. But I mean, it's later, after this conversation. In those episodes, I,,, My idea is to meet people who involved in a situation and in person. I don't have skill to judge which information is correct. But I can trust people if I can meet in person. Right? Of course, people can mistake or can be wrong. But same as information. So I just prefer to meet people and to have a conversation. And I think that's why I asked you and I'm gonna do that's style. Not every time but... Okay. And I heard you are having fun to complain about politics. Well, it is important to, you know. If you don't complain, no one knows that you are complaining. When you present information properly and responsibly, and if it's shared *⁴it's point with others, maybe you can make change. Yeah, So good communication is valuable. One person complains, and 15 people are complaining or thousands people are complaining *⁵[ ] are not paying attention It doesn't mean same world. This is not right thing to do. It conclude in make a change the world more responsibly and more fairly. Not so valuable of speaking nope. But do honesty, responsibly and fairly so you have to be responsibility when you speak up, you have to understand your information and your behavior. Thank you. That's a good lesson for me. Eh, Hastings? So do you think there are lot's of opportunities to talk about politics or things happening in Canada? Like a cafe or bar or something. Sure. Like what? I think most of Japanese don't talk about or discuss, Oh! Hastings! .. They don't talk about politics a lot because they don't like confliction? Confrontation? Yeah, *⁵[ ] complex. Sometimes it's good to, not confrontation, just represent different someone's opinion. It's not that you do it properly. So you represent different opinion in a honestly and responsibly way. That's gotta be create conflict or more confrontation. Those are different. It's are represented, I think. If you are honesty and respectable responding to different other's opinion, and hopefully that would be respected and understood. People understand the different others opinions and more variably opinions or more wide aware layer *6[ ]. I like your attitude of being open mind to listen to different opinions and different perspective. It's very important. Pretty much. That's important. But do you think you have many places or many opportunities to have those conversations in Canada? I do not as much as I used to when I was before working for newspaper. I was involved in and *7[ ] with information and present information to the public I was in raw. I was so much clear information available to me every day. So I had the opportunity to be involved. As my wife's position, I had to be careful because I could not get involved politically because of her position. I understand. But sometimes I did. I said the other parties do, the other do. I could say that but my wife could not. So why was I asking about this? Because this conversation or this podcast can give people opportunity to talk about more easily, right? And then, It's not directly so you can take time to understand. Yeah sometimes, like, when I had a different opinion with my friends, I sometimes got angry or more upset. Oh, give them time to think. If they're angry or upset, just give them time to think and work. And let them think. Don' be... That's maybe the difference being *8[ ] or *6[ ]. Don't be *6nal. Even if different other opinions, just let them to think about it. So let them concern your point of view and then after you, their point of view may change. And sometimes, if it's different point of view what they expect,then they may be not prepared for it. That's why they don't like that. But I just wait and,be honourable and respectable and let them think about your *9[ ] of ideas. May be change it all the time. Hopefully it will. Yeah I think that's why I like your stance. You are always waiting to listen. You like to make jokes, right? Uh ha. Who? Me? Yeah!! I like you smiling when you say something funny. You know what I mean? I do. I think it's important. *Hastings's attack Come, Hastings. Come. Come Hastings, Atta boy. Has he being okay? Yes. Yes. He's just sitting in front of me. Oh, good. And then, He's ricking and lie down. He is good boy. I like him a lot. How long have you been with him. Uh, 10 months. Just I've got him just before late Christmas last time in New Year. I didn't know that. Yeah. So he's been very well. It takes long time for us to get used to one another. But I think he's doing very well these days. We keep up practicing and we keep on, uh, we communicate in a different way but we communicate every day. By communicating one another and we understand one another. Just like journalism. Good communications create understanding. Have you ever heard his barking? Excuse me? Have ever heard he is.... He doesn't. He can but he used not to so he doesn't. One time he barked when with another dog barking. I just told like "Hastings no". That's only time he barked. Ah! Such a clever. He is fine. He can bark. But he's just *10[ ]. He's n't that *11[ ]. He's *10. That's difference. Tell a dog things you don't, or he around you ask him. You do responsibility well,if you two create our response well *s1[ ] same way. *s2[ ] same as people. So do you have any complaint about recently? If you don't feel comfortable, you don't need. But ah,,, for example I like the idea to solve a situation or, you know?, good ideas, right?I like the possitive way to think about it. I could a concern? I think it's coming about, I think my concern is young people do not involved in politics. And they should. And lately, they are. They do? Lately they are! They are getting more active with politics because their way of life are up to state. And if we do not changed things, that's right responsible for them, other time things changed it will be they'll have a good way of life. And people older like me don't wanna change because we so used to how things are. They have to give away to younger people in fresh thoughts and fresh ideas. So we can have reseponsible change are our generations. You know older people letting younger people take over their place and allow people let that happen. Even though their ideas are different, that's not a bad thing. I think older people don't wanna do that. Younger people have to about this skills into many changes with respectful way. So it'll be acceptable for both sides. I talked about those things, you know like politics or environmental with my Canadian friends. And feels like kind of similar situation is going on in Japan too. Youth doesn't have interest in politics. And they should. Yeah, and we want. Look at that younger from Sweden. Her name is ... Gretha? What's the difference she made? Because she spoke up.She did something very challenging and she was persecutived by older people, and support so much by young people. I think that's great. Older people can't not set back in criticise. They have to be open minded too and they have to be learned to be open minded. And young people have to learn the respectable was and for and it will be responsible change and the action of communication. a good communication that should happen. I agree. When I watched her speech, her speech was so passionate and it's very touchable. Actually she... uh, how can I say...stir people's emotions? like...You know what I mean? Yeah, I do. She was so encourage them to take advantage, encourage them to present their concerns. They should not just be her's. They should be their own. And if there're someone they can get along together, they can speak out louder. I'ts, I think, respectable for young people will need to change. They need to change an environmental way, and how we support our energy, sources or so on here Canada. And Japan, they had a long history a lot nuclear power. And they are very successful until , you know, the earthquake. Yes. That's very damaging but I'm sure Japan government and people will learn and adjust and help improve and then use nuclear power because it is great source but it's risk involved in that's power. I think soon might be after you have to make sure your decision for or the people *12[ ]. In a few years some politicians tried to change the situation but like the changing is quite difficult in japan. Oh yeah. People don't want to change of course Of course older people don't. Always older people don't. want to change. And then in Japan, it's getting more bigger population of people who have more experience. That's difficult. But I like the rate of voter, it's getting less in Japan. I think this year we had an election and it was 52 % of rate. So only 52% of Japanese went to vote. Oh, That's. So how many young people vote. No, Most of young people don't. That's what I mean. They need to vote. But I was talking about this with my friends last night. I have an actually idea to change this situation. Because, uh, in other hand 48% of Japanese didn't go to vote, it's more easy to not going to vote. I know. Easy doesn't mean that's right thing to do. It's easy to do nothing. Oh, yeah, so in that case we can show to the government that we are not interested in this situation, right? We need to change. If less than half of population don't go to vote,,,, Then that things *s3[ ]. So if all those people did not vote, [ ] result could be very very different. Since *14[ ],we had a lot of people that same thing. They decided I don't wanna vote because it doesn't matter. And all decided because of the same result, because all these people all these new people decide *14[ ] they not vote. and it could result for all of us. It's not represented. Those are ideas not represented. I think it's important to always vote, if you are 18 or 80. Always vote, always present your pod's of ideas and opinion in a respectable way. I also it's important to understand to take care about the people not to vote because they don't want, right? Of course some people are just lazy, or doesn't like it or more negative way. But some people because they don't wanna vote, right? That's the one of opinion. I think. You know what I mean? Well, see. If I vote, I have the right to complaint because I voted, I voted for this political party and I voted for these people. And if they didn't do. one of them let them to do. I don't vote, I don't have the right to complaint cause I didn't do anything. So why do I have a right to complaint, if I don't vote. So if you want right to speak up and speak out and make things better where not supposed to yourself for others too, vote and involved in the act and support the positive things and positive directions. You can be by being involved. That's true... We need more exercise to discuss or to listen to each other. Pretty much. I hope this podcast can help people practice to talk about because most of audience are my friends. And it's easy to comment, or communicate , question or give me an opposite opinion because we are friends. And then hopefully this podcast can be more wide and more people can communicate each other. Oh, sure. I think the key is okay to have different opinions and so on that are respectful for your opinion even if it's separated. And another acceptable we can even progress and communicate better. Especially I don't get any money from this podcast. It's not volunteering. You don't? No I don't, Haha I hope I can get. But like ah, I need more audience and if I started to get money, I need to , like ah,,, might get a bias to get more attraction. You know what I mean? It's not easy to choice what I really want to say. Hastings's attack 2. In my opinion if I work for one company, I need to support that company's opinion, like, the stance. Right, Hastings's third attack. Because I don't have any support, I don't need to support, uh, I don't need to care about supporters. Right. I can say anything I want. Hmm, Maybe wrong. Well I think there is straight and sharing communicating values. Sharing communicating values? Yeah, when you are communicating and cooperate with others, they respect that. But you have to make responsible judgement. If you don't agree, you have to right to make a change and not follow the *15[ ] you feel about *s4[ ]. You have to freedom of choice. And *15[ ] choice and politics since called democracy where we have right to choose. That we like all our takers. We don't like all takers. We like to protect ourselves. We don't like to protect ourselves or so on. We like to support money. We don't like this more money. So on so on. We have right to choose. It's important. Even though we don' t know agree it's always *16[ ]. Aren't people *16, are love people choose what they feel right. And then maybe we are different, that's okay. It's okay to be different. It's okay to have different thoughts and different ideas. We should share them honesty, respectably and clearly, and. For example some people support in our taker, or don't. That's okay. I don't person it because of that. I hopefully present thoughts or idea that this maybe *17 and disturbing to me and so whoever direction it is taken are feel comfortable are taken so political position to support them of takers and if other support , that's okay too. We have by having a responsible communication that's how decision we made. And that's not something i don't agree. That's okay. Some people feel like to be able over challenge saying *18[ ] importance form thing like that. I think it's important to be valuable and responsible your position present honestly and clearly and it's not acceptable over all that's okay too. Your position is valuable but this except by those are not. Thank you. I need to learn more There are lot's of things to learn.

Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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