E#3 Journalism

Introduction of this episode
 Hello, listeners. How are you doing today? What date is it now? For me it's 4th Sep in 2019 I'm recording this episode. What about you? When did you find this podcast?, this episode? Anyway thank you for listening my podcast. I'm the host of this Podcast, Shohei. First of all, I just want to mention about my subscribers. Recently I finally got the approval from Itunes support to get my podcast on Itunes. Now I also have my podcast on Google and Spotify as well. After getting that approval, my podcast analytics shows me I have 53 subscribers. I have no idea how they can find me because some of them are seemingly in Jamaica. I am so thrilled though, it was the huge surprise for me. Whoever you are, I can't thank you enough. You gave me so much power to continue this podcast. Following that, I want to tell you about my Podcast and Journalism more specifically through this episode, in order to tell what you can expect and can't expect from my podcast.

And also I asked one of my friends to make a short song for me and you can hear it just before this episode. I respect him very much and one day I want to make episodes with him. Here it comes.
 Here is the reason why I chose Journalism
 Have you ever heard the magazine called " Days Japan"? One night, some of my friends from my University and I went out for a couple of drink. Two of them had many experiences as a backpacker and we were listening their stories. Then One guy introduced one magazine to us. It shocked me. I had never seen any magazine like that. I got so impressed by it. It is ashamed to say but, I didn't continue to read that magazine at that time and forgot it after that night. Several years later,the impact that magazine put on me was still hanging around in my mind, and one day I found out what magazine it was. It was the photographic magazine called " Days Japan". Especially one of its concepts, which is " The day when people's will would stop war must come", impressed me dramatically. In this magazine you can see lot's of pictures which are sometimes requiring your brave to see it. Honestly I couldn't read them all, but then I've never forgot it. It made me want to do something like that, something I can do for our society. This is why I got interest in Journalism.

What if there is no journalism in a society?
Let's picture the world without journalism such as web news, Newspapers or Radios. In that world it's hard to know what is going on outside the community you belongs. It's also hard to tell what's going on inside the community as well. People would have difficulty to communicate and cooperate with each other across different communities. In those era with no journalism, there were some explorers and they told people their adventures or the world they had seen. They might have played a part of role of  journalism, travelling the world and telling those stories. That's why the word Journalism comes from Journey while according to wikipedia it comes from 'journal' which means 'day'. What the heck, this is my podcast. I define that Journalism originated from Journey and that's what I want to do. Go to travel, meet new people, culture and ideas. and tell those stories. 

Journey and Journalism
 I want to journey. I want to meet local people living where I visit, hear their stories, know their culture and lifestyles. I  would like to tell my listeners, I mean, my friends about those stories or what I felt and thought, because real voices from real people would be clear sources and more close stories to listeners. Personally I call those information as healthy information because it seems more trustworthy for me. Even if the people can be wrong or mistake. so can all other sources of information , right? That's why I just prefer the stories from people I met.  Even though it's possible that their understanding or opinions are wrong, the fact that they feel and think is truth. I can't guarantee that my information is right because I'm not specialist yet. But I'm going to tell real felling and stories that real people have. The right what you think is yours.
 One day my father told me one Japanese proverb; no reason to hesitate for the change it better. After he taught, it became my favorite proverb now. I would like to be open-minded in order to find a new way to improve for anything.  And I think, being an optimist as a positive thinker is one of trick to propose and accept different ideas to find solutions. That's what I want to be. 

My journalism style
  In this Podcast, What I want to do and what I'm going to do is Journey and Journalism.
 My Journalism would be based on my journey in order to make lot's of friends, to deliver people's real voices and to get ideas from cool people. And for episodes, it would be based on the conversations with people whom I met on my journey, in order to get healthy information, to make each stories close to my listeners and to propose ideas. When I can't travel, I would think and make episodes about my thought, which is about from daily life to the world affairs. Especially I want to try to think new ideas and solutions in a very positive way. Even if my suggestions make problems or arguments, it would be great for me because the more eyes on my episodes, the more widely I can broadcast what I want to tell. This is the huge merit of Journalism I suppose. In a democratic country, the people should have power to change situations, because more people think one thing as  important, it would become important for its society as well. It's same theory as economy.the more people want, the more its value rise. The whole country has to work on it. Who change the situation is you. Don't you think?

My targets and the merit for listeners
 I'm not specialist as you can see, I mean, listen. I have lot's of things to learn such as about English, society, other cultures or Journalism. And also I really want to stimulate passions of people from my age each other. ( So I mean now I'm 27, so people range from 20 to 29 are my target for a moment. And which also means my target age zone will change as I get older) So until I become professional, you will be able to learn many things as I will learn. If you are looking for something to learn, hopefully this podcast can help. To learn new ideas, I want to talk about our world with my age or specialists in order to think about it as our things.
 This is my project. I hope this podcast make good community where listeners and I can exchange information, different opinions and ideas, and discuss about them. I need your help, your attention, your advise. What can I learn? What will change? Who will change? The future has to be in your hand and mine. High five!

Thank you for listening my podcast. You can comment, e-mail or subscribe! I can't get any money by this but the number of comments and subscribers is gonna be my motivation to make episodes. If you want to listen more better episodes, please subscribe and cheer me up. If you have any advise or ideas, even criticism about anything from me, please send an e-mail to my Gmail address shinhassou@gmail.com or say something in a comment section on my web site. All right then, see you next episode.

p.s. I hate to say this for me but I want to make fun of it. Soon after I recorded this episode, honestly I was happy because I thought this is much better than previous one about speaking. And then, I listened to check how it sounds. Oh man, this is the beginner. I pledge to make it better and better. Please give me a break. I'm sorry for making 10 mins hell in this world. haha



Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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