#5 Info that I know about the Covid-19 in English

Hello Folks!! My name is Gottsu as you know. I'm the host of this Podcast 52 Wanaka ready to talk.


I would like to talk about the Covid-19 which is the most infamous news spreading around the world this year. I feel a bit affinity to the Covid-19 because he or she has the number in its name just like my Podcast does. Probably this is the first time all the countries got to fight with the same enemy in the human history. There are lot's of information about this disease, some of which are truth and some of them are fake. Not much is clear about this virus so far even though many medias broadcast the information about this. And many people died because of this virus and there are tons of people suffering from it. Although many governments, organizations, doctors and nurses are trying to save people and prevent the spread of this disaster, we are having hard time to find the way to get over through this. So then, I would like to talk about solutions and measures to deal with this without being afraid of loosing my face because my Podcast and I haven't trusted by anyone yet. Honestly I wanted to talk and make this episode in a more funny way for you audience to enjoy but I couldn't because I don't have enough skill to do it yet. In another word, I want to improve those skills by making more episodes as I have always said. Before starting to talk about this pandemic, I just want you know that I recorded this episode in Japanese about 2 weeks ago and things has changed a lot. Now Japan has much more confirmed cases than ones when I recorded this. I wish I could talk about this in English without reading my Japanese report but I couldn't. So please understand that this was my expectations and solutions I made a while ago. 
 Okay move on then.

About the Covid-19

 First of all, seemingly the first case was seen in Wuhan city, the Hubei Province, China. Somebody reported this first case to the office of WHO in China on 31st Dec, 2019. The Covid-19 stand for the Coronavirus disease of 2019. It has another name, the severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2, which is named by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses on 11th Feb, 2020 because the Covid-19 is genetically related to the SARS and MERS. Coronavirus is one of categories of virus. This virus, the Covid-19 make people sick of course. When a person who has got this virus, symptoms, like high fever, dry cough, running nose just like normal cold, appear on a patient. It make people to find difficulty to recognize whether they are infected with this disease or just a normal cold. This is one of problems of this virus I think. And in worse case, patients of this disease show more serious symptoms such as being pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, or breathing difficulty. I heard other symptoms also like muscle pains, digesting difficulty . Even worse some of patients might die. This is why this disease is so serious. I heard that WHO claimed this virus is not very dangerous at the beginning of this disaster. It's not acceptable because they could stop the pandemic in a earlier stage by giving countries rights to close their borders in order to prevent this virus coming in their lands if they noticed how dangerous it was. Anyway my podcast is not for accusing people. I just would like to suppose ideas to fight with this all together. So there is another problems of this disease I think. Which is the possibility of transmission in an incubation period. The incubation period for the Covid-19 is from 1 day to 14 days. The ways of the transmissions of the Covid-19 are droplet infection, direct physical contact, indirect physical contact and aerosol infection. Actually I couldn't find the real name of aerosol infection. It might not exist but in Japan people including me are talking about this way of transmission. Aerosol is a very small particle being larger than 1 micro meter and smaller than 5 micro meter like fog or cloud. The Covid-19 can be transmitted through the air as an aerosol size. This size of virus can stay in the air for about three hours because it's enough light. When people cough or sneeze, droplets come out from their mouths or noses but those droplets are too large and heavy to stay in the air but aerozol particles can. This aerosol infection is not much revealed, studied and confirmed by anyone as long as I know. But if this way of transmission is true, I suspected that people can be infected with this virus through the air. And I highly recommend that we should prepare for this way of infection just in case. 
 I think these characters, such as symptoms which is just like a cold but could be very bad, the possibility of infection in an incubation period and the ways of transmission, made this pandemic difficult to be prevented. Yeah so, people might think they got a normal cold because these symptoms are very similar and also they are similar to other diseases like Influenza or pollen allergy. So they don't notice and might carry those virus around. I will talk more about this later. Other cases tell us that there are some people who has this virus in their body without appearance of its symptoms, In this case they have no way to notice that they are carrying the Covid-19 around. Probably this is why there are many cases we can't find out how to be infected. Especially youth show less serious symptoms or none of them. It can give an idea that they would be fine about this virus, and they would become laid back with this. On the other hand when anyone got flu,  they tend not to go out because their government ask them not and also nobody wants to get flu. Every body knows that they are gonna suffer a lot. So people are well prepared for flu. But the Covid-19, in one hand, makes many youth think that they would be okay but it causes serious problems mostly to elderly people and people who are under the situation of CDC, Chronic disease conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease or cancer. They might get kidney failure or even death. These three aspects make this pandemic complicated I think. Some people might carry this virus around with less symptoms without noticing how dangerous it is and some people can get more serious symptoms. These factors probably promote this pandemic to grow up so fast.

My guess by comparing situations in the US, EU, Canada, New Zealand, and Japan.

 I compared each situation such as their cultures or measures they took with others in the US, EU, Canada, New Zealand and Japan in order to guess what's going on and get to know more about the Covid-19. In Japan it's a season of hay fever, and flu as well. So it's very common to wear a mask outside in winter in Japan. And some people are pointing out that not much tests for the Covid-19 has been done in Japan comparing with other developed countries. This might be why the confirmed cases in Japan are quite less than others. I guess. Because many Japanese had wore their mask as usual, they were able to prevent this virus a bit by an aerosol infection as I mentioned before. And also a less test for the Covid-19 is one of factors why the numbers of confirmed cases is low in Japan probably. People might not notice they are infected because they don't test themselves. But when you see the mortality of this in Japan, it is not different from averages except Germany. The mortality of this disease in Germany is incredibly low thanks to their great health care systems. And South Korea shows low mortality as well because the most patients in South Korea are younger people who attended at a religion ceremony. So if Japan is not under the similar situation of these countries, the tests might've shown the real number of cases happening in Japan. Of course this is just my guess though. 
 Comparing to Japan, cases in EU, such as Italy, Spain, France, Germany and UK, has growing up steady. EU has an aspect that people can easily move to different places in different countries as the political and economic union residents. In France wearing a mask makes people think that person strange because they have the image culture and people not used to wear them. That's why its spread is so quick I think. Italian government took actions that China did and tried to lock down the cities to stop the epidemic but it caused some demos because Italian residents thought it's violent to their liberty. So their measure didn't work property. In Germany the students got together at parks and had a Corona Party because their school closed. Obviously they accelerated the speed of epidemic in those countries. Of course it's not happened in only those countries. In Japan some students attended a graduation and made a cluster even if they noticed that they had cold. Honestly I understand that why they wanted to attend their graduation and I think it was hard to decide not to go although of course they should've been more careful about this. 
 Talking about America, there were a few cases at the beginning of this year. But at the same time they had lot's of patients suffering from flu. It was not a big surprising number for America because every year there are many cases of flu in America. But still there were a rumor about that those cases might've been of the Covid-19 in Feb. However CDC, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, started to retest people who didn't show positive for flu since 14th Feb. And the number of cases in America has grown up quickly after around 10th Mar. So then all cases which had confirmed as flu should not be  considerd as the Covid-19. Even though, probably preparing for the Covid-19 and taking actions was delayed because they might've not be paying enough attention to the Covid-19. They might've thought the Covid-19 was not delivered much to their land. Possibly. They might've noticed there were many cases of the Covid-19 too late to prevent the spread this fast. 
 And then when you think about Japan, many people has shown symptoms of pollen allergy as usual. Also we have some cases of flu as well. So we could be the same as America if we don't take proper actions. We might not notice the spread until it happened actually.
 I got some information about what's going on in Canada and New Zealand from my friends living there and the e-mails from some shops, banks or a library. These two countries took actions in a very early stage. They asked their residents to stay at home as much as possible and to do social distancing. Retail stores are pretty much closed. One of electric devices store in Canada did close their stores decided by themselves not by the government, And so did the library in New Zealand. People who came back to New Zealand from outside were asked to stay at home for 2 weeks by themselves. The government decided to do this when they confirmed only 39 cases. I said only 39 because I want to complain about how slow our government take actions. Even though these two countries took actions so fast, the transmission hasn't stopped yet. Which shows how difficult stopping the spread of infection the Covid-19. From this, I highly think that the Covid-19 can be transmitted while it hasn't appeared its symptoms on a patient. The reason why I think so is that its difficulty to prevent the spread and the spread continues even though people stay away from crowds. WHO suggests people to keep over 2 meter distance away from people who shows the symptoms of cold  like cough or sneeze but their advises hasn't worked much for slowing the spread down. 
 The first Japanese patient of the Covid-19 who is a bus driver said, he drove tourists from Wuhan but no one showed symptoms of pneumonia in that bus. From what he said, you can guess that you can possibly get the Covid-19 from people who has the virus in an incubation period. One patients is most likely to transmit the virus to only one or two people as average according to  the Japanese Ministry for health, Labour and Welfare. Then has why so many people infected by this? the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare point out that places which is not well ventilated and many strangers gather are the most dangerous places to be infected. The point of where many strangers gather is that you have many chance to contact with people who might have the virus and to transmit the virus to many strangers in case you have them. And the point of where is not well ventilated is that the air in that place can stay at the same place and so can the virus. From this point of view, I suppose that this Coronavirus can be transmitted as aerozol infection. This first Japanese case could be explained by that. People can transmit their virus even when they don't show their symptoms yet. Well then, how we can fight with this...

My suggestions and ideas to deal with the Covid-19

When you think that people might be infected the Covid-19 from people who don't show the symptoms or in a incubation period, I suppose that strictly locking down for at least 15 days is a good way to stop the spread. I mean the government should close all retail stores and force its residents to stay home as much as possible. People only should go out to get their essential daily stuff such as foods, drinks or maybe toilet papers and so on. The most important thing is figuring out who is infected and where they are. Of course people who is infected showing serious symptoms should be treated well. At the same time people who isn't infected could go back to their normal life contributing to its economic activity so that the society can revive. By setting the specific term showing how long people have to endure. They can have a hope and see its end so they can understand and deal with it. I think in this case people can think that they can! However a society has to go without stopping its activity in order  to sustain its system. So it might not be possible to stop most of economical activities. When you think that difficulty, it might be better idea to try just slowing down the speed of the spread in order to lower burden on health workers, I don't know how to say this though. You get the point, right? Okay well, if it's difficult to lock down completely even if some countries actually are doing it, how should we do? Let's see what China did and the South Korea did as successful example to slow down their epidemic. Once they hit about 80,000 cases ( for China) and 8,000 cases (for South Korea), recently they have reported under 100 new confirmed cases each day. China did the incredibly lock down for about two months by using the merit of ruling by one political party. They sanitized towns, stopped the spread and treated the patients. As another example, South Korea didn't lock down but did make so many places to test maximum 15,000 people a day. They made test facilities styled driving through in order to avoid close contacts so that they succeeded to figure out who got infection and where are the areas being under its dangerous. The point to do these measures are searching completely who and where are in danger. In fact Japanese government didn't take much actions so far(til 27th Mar). Well if our government hasn't do much, who should take actions? It's depends on us! I'm sorry to my audience living in other countries but I don't know much about what your government did for you. But for Japanese we have to protect us by ourselves. I'm not accusing our government but complaining. Actually I don't have the right to do both because I didn't vote the previous political election last year. I was in Canada and honestly I didn't notice that election until I lost my right to vote from the abroad. But I can't stop. I do only that I can do now. I just wish people realize and get to know what's going on around us. Of course I don't know everything. But if I say something, somebody can know what I'm thinking and I might be able to get correct answers. Anyway, so it's very important that we protect ourselves and our people. The power of people. 
 So first of all I would like to suggest the most common way to kill the virus. Washing hands. Washing hands is not only way to protect yourself but also the way to protect your friends, family and even more your society. Once you got the virus inside your body, you might carry them around without any symptoms. So it's very important for you and people around you not to get the virus. This is very helpful to finish this pandemic. You can kill the virus before you getting them. You don't want to suffer from it and you don't want your people to suffer from it. So let's wash your hands for 20 secs and end them!! Finishing this pandemic is our first step and the main mission for every one. Because, even if you might think you are okay with being infected, this pandemic absolutely is and will put massive damages on our economic with no doubt. Another thing is, I think, young people and elderly people should take different ways to deal with. Generally speaking, elderly people and people who have their own health issue such as CDC, I mentioned before, are more likely to show more serious symptoms than younger people do. So I suppose elderly people might wanna stay away from a crowd for a moment. And younger people should stay away from elderly people avoiding transmissions the virus to them just in case younger people have any. I'm sorry if my way to talk about this was rude . I don't mean it but I got to tell something. In any way, it's always possible for you to get the virus even if you don't mean it and protected properly. So its very helpful that you keep your body and mind healthy in order not to get the Covid-19 into your body. It's also good not taking any other illness in case you got the Covid-19. You can avoid getting serious symptoms. For being healthy you need to take well nutrition, sleep and do moderate exercises. And laugh a lot because being stressed is not good for your health. No one certificate that being healthy can protect you from the Covid-19 but still it's good way to improve your immune system in order to fight with any problems coming into your body. For example people say that eating good foods can boost your immune system. 
 Especially I got interest in the foods which can boost our immune systems because I'm working at a restaurant. In Japan roots vegetable such as carrots or radishes, fermented foods such as Natto, Miso, Soy sauce, Cheese or Sake, and the green and yellow vegetables are recommended to get good nutrition which can improve your immune system. And also Garlic, Broccoli and Chinese Yam have important nutrition in it as well. When I searched recommendation for good foods in English, I found some websites saying Citrus fruits are good for you. They also say  the more colorful plants based foods are, better. 

 About one week ago we lost one of the most famous and beloved comedians, Ken Shimura. Many people started to take an action of self social distancing right after hearing the news about his death. I think people felt like loosing their relatives. I felt in that way. Japanese president Abe had made an economic policy a several years ago named as " Abenomics". Just a while ago he announced that they were planning to distribute two masks to each household. It's great. Thanks. But you can do better! One of the US media made fun of this policy naming that as "Abenomask" after "Abenomics" What the ironic. You really think that all household could be okay with two masks for each? I'm okay because I'm living by myself. I'm alone. But some households have more than two family members. How can they cover their face with two masks? Anyway the thing I'm worried about most is the recession which is coming certainly. Sadly there are many people who kill themselves every year in Japan. If the government didn't do anything about this, the number of suicides will rise with no doubt. From my experience, many people has stopped to go to bars or pubs and many restaurants are suffering from low sales. Hotels are also suffering a lot. Which means foods or drinks which was supposed to consume there isn't sold as they were expected. So restaurants don't buy meats, vegetables or drinks etc. Farmers can't sell their product as they want. Something like this. Salary for them get lower. They got to restrain to buy stuff. And so on so on. When we don't do economic activity, the government's tax income also go down. Eventually this will trigger a recession. If the government could give financial support to people who is suffering from their financial problems, those supports  might be able to save them at least. Of course the government have to pay a lot of money but I think it's worth doing that. In either way, supporting or not, our economy will be in a recession I guess. Please at least save some people. 


 Yes this is hard situation for every one. But I think we should have good foods and drink a little bit and laugh a lot. Actually I started to worry about people who can't get enough foods. I'm sorry. We need to care about food problem too. I wish I could do something. Maybe I can.. Back to the proposal I said before. Being healthy is the best way we can do now, I think. But unfortunately this is not the end of the fight with viruses even after this the Covid-19 pandemic end. Viruses are evolving a little by little. We got to learn something from this pandemic. How we act, protect, deal with it and prepare for it. No worries. This pandemic will end eventually. We got to get through this co-operating all together. If the lock down completely for at least 15 days will be taken as a measure ( and it's happening in Japan from 8th Apr), what are we gonna do? Video games? Reading books? You can watch YouTube, Netflix or listen Radio, Podcast. I think you can even go to a forest where no body goes. Please don't loose your way if you go. I'm gonna upload more episodes using this plenty of time so you might wanna listen and know what I'm doing only if you wanna know. I'm going to read as many books as I can. So I might talk about those books.  Unfortunately so many people are suffering from this in a physical way and in a financial way. I hope the situation will be better soon. But I'm pretty sure that this pandemic will end eventually. So don't get too much stressed out. Keep your chin up!! I searched and thought about this pandemic as much as possible. However I might be wrong of course and my English is not right all the time. So please give me some advises, comments or your opinions. You can read my script at my website named same as this Podcat, 52 Wanaka ready to talk.
Thank you so much for sticking to this episode. I hope you could get new information from this or just enjoyed. I'm really happy to hear from you. So please don't be shy to say hi to me. You don' have to but... Okay then this is the end of this episode. Please keep your health and your smile! We can do this. See you next episode...

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新型コロナウィルスについて 厚労省



Facts about Covid-19


John Hopkins School of Public Health

Economist Intelligence Unit

Foods improving your immune system
3 Best Vitamines for boosting immunity
foods boost immune system

Milan Tomic

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