E1 -What tree planter is for me

What if was I asked what tree planter is, I would say tree planters are people who plant trees a lot. Yeah, you can watch what tree planters look like online easily. But knowing something and doing something are different. First of all you might wanna know what tree planting look like. Each tree planter has an own area which we call as piece to plant trees. Basically you need tree planting bag, shovel, gloves, salt water and plat code which is a 4 meter rope and enable you to know how density it is and distance between one tree and another. So tree planting is not gardening. There are some rules for growing good trees and good forest. There were many people who brought their own dogs to the camp because many bears would appear in a camp, piece or roads. Their dogs are very respectful, clever and friendly. In the camp dogs can't enter a main tent which we get foods for the cleanness reason. But they can wait just before entrance and wait for their muster. That's amazing for me. And so, many many black bears showed up on our road to blocks or in a block. Usually black bears are not very aggressive though, can be aggressive and if you heard their huffing, it must be so scary.If you wanna know more about bears, check my videos. Those are terrible! haha The most freedom aspect of tree planter is PP everywhere, I guess. I felt embarrassed honestly by doing it for the first time, but after the season actually I sometimes find myself being upset when I can't find a bathroom because I can't do it in a city. Do you get it? You know, there is no bath room in a forest off course. But trust me, It feels very good. I might even be able to say that's most clean bathroom because nobody left dirty and rain clean it up. But mosquitoes are bad for you while you are doing that. About mosquitoes. There are thousands of mosquitoes and black flies in a forest. Most o them are just stupid. They just fly to your face and hit again and again. But there are so many that you can swallow them at the same time you breath. One day I did nose bleeding. So I faced up to stop it and pause a bit... But mosquitoes don't care! They sucked my blood anyway. That's brutal, man. But if you think it's disaster when you got hard day like rainy, windy, buggy or rocky. tree planters says enjoy it before getting worse. This is very mental job. Tree planting is very hard , 80 % for mental, 20 % for physical. Tree planter say so and it is. Before starting this job, I thought I would contribute to the world environment because I would plant trees. But actually I saw many natural trees and plants in my pieces. So I have a question. Is this good or bad for forest? I made hard competence by planting trees intentionally. Forests might not need our planting. They can thrive without us. I might have even changed natural forests. But also I think we humans are part of nature so our activity can be called natural. Right? And also we can make up for cutting at least by planting trees. I am still thinking about it. And about what tree planters look like. Same as people on a street, different tree planter has different character. But I'm gonna tell you my pictures for them. In my company, my friends have a great stance that you are very welcome to community , you can do whatever you want but you don't have to. You can join a conversation if you want. You can be alone if you need. I loved that. Tree planters spend most time planting, of course. My friends also love natures, chatting, playing music and socializing. But in other time planting trees, they dance. A lot. They plant or dance. Some guy never sleep. Incredible. I love you guys but give me a break. And also tree planters don't take rest a lot because literary time is money. In stead of that, you can make really good money. Most people continue this job because of money. They spend lot's of time in a forest in any situation except too strong windy day. You might be in your piece for 10 hours per day alone. I was talking to myself almost whole day while planting trees. Depends on your mental condition, you might get angry. It was so difficult for me to control myself in my piece because so much pressure and frustrated due to English or numbers I would plant in that day. Sometimes, I mean many times I shouted. Not only me. Many tree planters shout. And it feels so good. Have you ever shouted in a city? Actually I have though, it's different. We shout like animal and everybody can understand it. If you could hear shouting in a forest, it might be tree planters...

Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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