Sharing house WH in CND4

Sharing House In Canada, also New Zealand, Sharing house is very common for people. I think more specifically it's common for young people or people who live by their self. It's impossible for me to check all houses, Though, It seems to be. I stayed at several houses and mostly they don't have TV or watch them. They play instruments and games, drink bears, cook together. They have own room or bed, share fridge and food, and talk and talk...about everything. One idea came up with my mind. It is to make sharing house more common in Japan especially for students. They would save some money, share their thought, learn how to live with others and more. But there are few problem for Japan. First of all, Playing music can be noise for some people. And also, it's not so easy to rent your house to some people due to our law, I think, I'm not expert for it though. And Finally. There are few houses being large enough to live with many people. Most of problem or difficulty are caused by the distance between neighborhood's. But I can see some " Share houses" doing this in Japan. It's a little bit expensive but they can show us possibility. In a country side, there are a bit more huge places and prices of land are a bit more cheap probably. If we can find out the way to go round easily and to work, it might be the time of living in a country side for people. For doing this, We need some patrons who rent us houses and rule to live well with others. I want to do it!! I don't know if I'll do it or not though. Haha カナダやニュージーランド、確かイギリスもそうだって聞いたけど、シェアハウスがとても盛ん。僕が滞在したことのある家では、大概テレビはないか見てなくて、楽器を演奏したり、一緒に料理したり、お酒飲んだり遊んだり。あとは喋って喋って喋って…。お金も節約できるし、考えを共有したり議論したり出来る。他人との生活の仕方を学べるし、日本にももっと広めたいな〜と思う。 日本の都会では土地の問題で家が近くて、建物が小さいし、音楽も近所迷惑になりかねないけど、いくつかの「シェアハウス」が日本にもあって、少し高いけど可能性を示してくれている。ひつじ不動産さんは、大阪ではその代表ではないだろうか。とてもいい物件をお持ちだと思う。 家を貸してくれる人や、どう生活するかのルールも必要だけど、やってみたいなー。郊外に行けば、スペースもあるし土地も少し安いはず。交通の便や仕事の面をなんとかすれば、都会から離れての田舎ずらしすらはやるのではないか!?来たぞ、令和!!笑 ちなみに、これから色々な所で調べてみるけど、一番のルールは、「Be cool」だって。笑 人生でも一緒だって言ってた。

Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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